Thursday, 28 January 2016

Midland Cross Country Championships January 2016 @ Loughborough.

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- twelve

Question:- What was so special about this race??? Where in Leamington was it held ... and what is the connection to the annual first Birmingham and District Cross Country League race??

Dear Blog,

                 I admit that I am quick to moan and criticise officials at athletic events BUT fair dddddoooooooooooooosssssssssssssss someone has been quick off the mark rearranging Saturday's Midland Counties Cross Country Championships after the course at Stafford Common was deemed too flooded. Well done to him / her / them. Lets us hope that the moaners bite their tongues if things go tits up as they should remember the short time into the race the organisers have had for planning.

                  I shall be at Loughborough on Saturday Blog. Are you attending?? I think the last time I ran a Midland Counties Cross Country Championship in Leicestershire I came second in the senior race .. Blog I kid you not!!


Saturday, 23 January 2016

Steeple chasing

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- eleven

Question:- Where is this, which football ground??? Would today's top clubs allow a hole to be dug in their precious pitch???

Dear Blog,

                   Apparently I now have nearly two million words about the 'History of Coventry Godiva Harriers and Other Clubs in the City over the last 140 years' if I include the comparative study of a northern harrier club which folded some years ago! Blog, I kid you not .. two millions!!

                  I have been meaning for some time to post you another of my occasional articles about the club. This is not specifically about Godiva, but it impinges. I was in a lengthy correspondence with a famous coach on the subject of steeple chasing when he rather inconsiderately went and died. I have had words with a well known author on the same subject. As a result I have now a considerable amount of material relating to the history of the event.

                Athletic statisticians are sticklers for details, OTT on occasions in my humble opion. My tenet on the subject of steeple chasing is that separate records/lists should be kept for each steeplechase race dependent on where the water jump is situated. Barrier spacing and placements are affected relative to where the water jump is on the track. Most water jumps are on the inside on the top corner, but even these have straight run up approaches and others have a curve on the apron. Outside the same situation occurs, and on some tracks, notably for important international meets, the water jump can be virtually on the top of the back straight ... so that gives five different race layouts without going into too much detail. My argument is that with different configurations, the effort distribution of the athletes racing is different from one course to the next, so how come times recorded are compared when the comparison is spurious as no consistency is demanded in the type of layout?

                Oh dear Blog, do I detect a stifled yawn and a glazed stare being to form .... better stop while I am ahead. More later when you have made yourself a very strong black coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, 17 January 2016

Birmingham Cross Country League Division 1 result Jan 16th 2016

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- ten

Question:- Which year was this, where and which athlete went to the Olympics???

Dear Blog,

                 'The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner' was a book, or short story, written by Alan Sillitoe at the end of the 50s and then shortly afterwards made into a film, if you didn't know already Blog. The title has entered into modern parlance.

                Well you will not be surprised to hear Blog, that I am in the process of writing a sequel called 'The Loneliness of the Long Distance Marshal', not, I hastily add, a story about the gun slingers of the wild west, but the tale of a lonely race marshal, not, I hastily add, a story about prejudice and colour, but  a white knuckle tale of frozen endeavour on a freezing Saturday afternoon directing the runners in the Birmingham and District League Race around Coundon Hall Park in Coventry yesterday.

                 'Was it cold?' I hear you ask Blog. T'was indeed.

                 'Was it lonely?' I hear you ask Blog. T'was indeed.

                 'Was the race interesting?' I hear you ask Blog. T'was not really.    

                Stuck on the top corner of the very wet park at the furthest distance from the start, besides three brief glimpses of the runners as they passed on their three circuits of the park, I had only a solid line of traffic for company as the line of cars slowly crawled up Long Lane to take a right turn into Tamworth Road to go to the Ricoh Arena to watch the football match between Coventry City and Burton Albion. Burton, if you didn't know already Blog, is managed by Nigel Clough. Some of his dad's quotes have entered into modern parlance.

                   Well you will not be surprised to hear Blog, that I got into  the process of counting the traffic to keep my mind off my freezing toes, although I must admit that I had to use them for counting the cars when I ran short of fingers. Lots of cars there were..
Ther were green ones and some pink ones
And a blue one and some yellow ones,
And they're were all making exhaust fumes
And they all look just the same.

And the people in the motor cars
Are all off to the Ricoh,
Where they sit in boxes
And they come to watch the game,
And there's brickies and deliverymen,
And factory shop floor workers,
And they're all flash their money
Just to watch a silly game.

And they all sit in the traffic
And queue in the Long Lane,
And some have their children
And the children watch the game,
And the children go to football camp
And then to the Acadamy,
Where they all practice football
And they come out all the same.

And the boys get in the reserve team
And they try to make it big time
But then they get injured  
And they no longer play the game.
There were green ones and some pink ones
And a blue one and some yellow ones,
And they're all making exhaust fumes
And they all look just the same.

      Oh bugger, the race is over. So who won?? Which team came first? Did anyone sink under the mud? Does anyone care??

      Better collect the stakes in, and rewind the tape to use again somewhere, some time 'cos I know I'll need again to stick them out  on the top corner of a very wet park at the furthest distance from the start, and while stood around, cold and lonely, I may just catch a brief glimpses of the runners as they trudge past me rooted to the spot at the furthest point in the park from the start,  stuck on the top corner of the very wet park counting the cars in the solid line of traffic as they slowly crawl up Long Lane to take a right turn into Tamworth Road to go to the Ricoh Arena to watch the football match where Coventry City are still playing ....... this marshalling thing does funny things to your brain Blog, I kid you not.


Monday, 11 January 2016

Warwickshire Cross Country Championships 2016 results

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- eight

Question:- So which running club did this man belong to? Did he become interested in running because his dad was a club coach? How much satisfaction did he get from his running?

Dear Blog,

                  It was the Warwickshire Cross Country Championships for 2016 on Saturday at Warley Park in Birmingham. (ish) Nice Park, much bigger than I remember it to be the last time I ran here .... in a Birmingham and District Cross Country League race in about 1968. Blog I kid you not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nearly 50 years ago. Stone me, hardly any one there on Saturday was born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In those far off days we stuck to the muddy perimeter paths. Unfortunately on Saturday, with acres of good running to chose from, the officials selected a stretch of pathway of about 200 yards (200 metres to you Blog) of roughly crushed quarry waste for the runners to tackle on each of their laps.

Not fair.

The runners injure themselves and then have to spend quids getting treatment.

Not fair.

The runners smash up their spikes on the rough hard surface and have to spend quids getting new spikes.

Oh go and draw your pension Colin. No one is bothered.


P.S. Here is one of him I was given in 1965 or 1966. I did have one of him in his club vest but I cannot find it for you Blog. The copy was given me by a club mate (an old chap who had lots of his photos, medals and cuttings) whom I stayed with at the time

Thursday, 7 January 2016

National Newspaper Archives

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- seven

Question:- Did this man break 4 minutes for the mile in the 1940s - ten years before Bannister? Why was he never given the credit? Who was he? Did he run in bare feet before Ron Hill and Bruce Tulloch?

Dear Blog,

                Continuing my research in to the 'History of Coventry Godiva Harriers and Other Clubs in the City over the Last 140 Years', I continue to be frustrated ...

                 I accept the financial  impossibility of publication; the number of potential sales would be limited by the specific nature of the topic and despite my concentration on the sociological, historical, industrial, educational, philanthropic and immigration influences on Godiva rather than a never ending list of results, not enough books would be sold to turn in a profit. Without the £40m from this week's Nation Lottery, the tome will go unpublished!!

                Mentioning the National Lottery nicely brings me to my second gripe ... how come all that money was wasted by the National Lottery to finance the National Newspaper Archives as part of the Millennium Legacy to provide local libraries with micro fiche copies of their Local Papers as many are totally unreadable, and those that are, have the side columns so distorted because of the spine folding, that they too cannot be read!!!!!! And now that the National Newspaper Archives are 'on line', things are not much better for the above two reasons AND also from the fact that only peculiar years are chosen for copying and some parts of the country are very much favoured over others ... compare two similar sized cities such as Belfast and Bradford. And why are so many Southern Irish newspapers considered worthy of so much attention???

            Come back in 25 years Colin and all papers will be done ... so that's O.K. then. Hopefully I will be getting my telegram from the Queen, King, President [Chairman?] Corbyn or even one from that nice Mr Cameroon??
