Wednesday 10 February 2016

Pancake Day

Photographic Quiz.

Photo number:- thirteen

Question:- So wot wur so reet gud abart this ere bloke fer Godiva?

Dear Blog,

              Its Pancake Day ... wen a wur a kid, wi ad pancearks evri year. Thick an greasy an thick an greasy... Me muther med em an she put lemon an stuff on em. Bye they wur horrible. A wur glad wen a went t' Pink Pather University t' get away from em. Abart 1975, a wur selected t'run in a marathon fer G.B. in Czechoslovakia. One o tother runners wur Keith Angus who cem from God's Own Country as well. From London to Prague, from Prague to Brislava ont' planes then ont bus from Bratislava to Kosice he went on an on an on an on an on an on abart these ear pankcakes. Niver shurrup. Pancakes is pancakes is pancakes ... so wot????

              Us fust grub wur dinna an then pud ... an wot were fer pud???? Pancakes!! Blog, I kid you not. BUT ... pancakes wi strawberries an cream. Bye they wur gud. Told missus wen a got back om an she med em. Pancakes wi strawberries an cream Boy they were gud. An thise wur behind t'iron curtin which wur suposed to be reet dire???

              Can't member much abart t' race but a member them there pancakes!! Nobbut reet gud even if a sez so mesen.
