Monday 25 July 2011

The Olympics

Dear Blog,
Firstly, my sincere apologies for not writing during the last week.  I have been so busy! But, but, but, but  I am so excited. I get sooooo excited as Geno would say1. Yes I know it is one year to the opening of the Olympic Games in London, but that is not what I am sooooo excited about. Well, it sort of is in a way. But not directly. Although it is. You see .... and don’t be jealous when I tell you this Blog .... but I have got another friend. ANOTHER FRIEND!!!  Can you believe just that. Two friends. I now have two friends. TWO. But don’t get worked up Blog. He’s not real. Well he is sort of in a way. But not really. Although it is. He is called The Olympic Trudger. The Olympic Trudger. A year to the opening of the Olympic Games in London and my new friend is called The Olympic Trudger. What a coincidence. I would bring him round to meet you Blog, but we have a problem. You see, he is a bug. A little bug. A little obsessive bug with a mission. No sooner had I let him go, released him, he was off. Couldn’t believe it. Put him in a nice warm comfortable little cache one day, and the next, he was gone. Off. And to Sidney, Australia, of all places. He promises to send me a postcard because he intends to travel. So I will keep you informed of his progress, Blog. What sort of a bug is he, you might ask? Well, he is a Travel Bug. And he has an obsession, a mission as they say in the business. In one year he wants to visit as many cities in the world which have hosted the summer Olympic Games, as possible. And then to make his way back to London in time for the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in London, to a special cache in Olympic Park. Isn’t it exciting. I am sooooo excited. Something to look forward to. All those postcards arriving from Olympic Cities around the world. What do you mean confused? Get a grip, Blog. Look, if you are a penny short of a bob, look up  
Really. I thought you were into this Geocache thing. Don’t you ever read my letters??? I told you about a training method using geocaches a couple of weeks back. Look in your drawer where you keep all my correspondence to you. I give up. I really do. To show there is no hard feelings, I will set you an easy quiz this week.
 Photograph Quiz:

Photo no 36:- You fill in the photo, Blog, of what you think The Olympic Trudger travel bug looks like. The nearest photo wins a prize ..... so exciting!
If I can’t get to a post box in the next couple of weeks, don’t fret, Blog. Don’t worry. I will be pushing a peanut with my nose all the way to London as part of the Cultural Olympics. Yes, the Cultural Olympics is a real event, part of the Olympic bid, if you take the trouble to listen to what Seb had to say when we won the Olympics. No kidding. So I will have my nose to the grind stone, or at least to the stone chippings. As if my protrudence wasn’t  big enough anyway. When I arrive I will fill you in.
P.S.   Ref 1.  Incidentally, do you remember in the early 70s, the marathon runner, Ron Hil,l opened his sports shop in Hyde in Cheshire? And what did he call his running shop??? Well he nicked the name from the title of Geno’s L.P. from the 60s. And what is the third track on the B side of the L.P.? I am so excited! Not a lot of people know that.  

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