Monday 20 August 2012

2012 Coventry Half Marathon

Moan Blog, moan. MOAN.
  Legacy? Legacy?? What legacy in Coventry Blog??? Gimme the quids. Gimme.
I’ve moaned to you before Blog about the fact that the City Council (Leisure Department) have all but killed serious road running in Coventry because of their over the top demand for road closure for club running races by requiring many quids for such a closure. The annual FUN RUN around the central city Precinct survives because the Rotary Club can, presumably, cough up the dosh? Coventry Half Marathon seems to stagger from the sublime to the ridiculous but continues because it is organised (in the very broadest sense of the word) by an outside company charging many quids for the privilege of trogging up and down the highways and the byways around Coventry. Many races survive in nearby local authorities’ areas because they employ a degree of common sense to health and safety issues which seem to be absent in Coventry. Last year the city half marathon clashed with the long established half marathon race in Kenilworth, three miles down the road from Coventry!! To pacify local dismay amongst club athletes, the organisers offered an award to the man and woman performing best in both races. The two athletes concerned are still awaiting their two prizes! WAITING STILL. Presumably, despite enquires, the organisers (in the very broadest sense of the word) must have lost interest in their promise after their event had finished!! Water under the bridge and all that!! I don’t suppose the council was too bothered about the actions of their agents?? So Kenilworth survived the competition. Yes Blog, the pun was intended. Stick with it please. Pay attention. This year the city half marathon clashes with the long established 10 mile road race in Rugby, eight miles down the road from Coventry!! The Rugby 10 is part of the Warwickshire Road Race League, formed a few years ago by local clubs to encourage road running in the area … including Coventry. Perhaps the organisers (in the very broadest sense of the word) might offer a prize to pacify the local dismay amongst club athletes to the man and woman who perform best in both races?? I believe that the organising (in the very broadest sense of the word) company have a couple of prizes spare?? I could be wrong?? I wonder if the company which organises (in the very broadest sense of the word) the half marathon realise that by avoiding local race clashes, many marshals might be available to help them?? This would avoid the race referee having to cycle around the course before the race urging spectators to occupy the road thereby acting as unpaid de facto race marshals. This happened last year Blog. I kid you not!! And with marshals, it might mean that the race might start on time?? And it might mean that the leaders will not have to run further than the scheduled 13 miles 196 yards as happened last year .. Blog, would I kid you?? I kid you not!! And I do hope that the organisers (in the very broadest sense of the word) have enough ‘goodie’ bags to go round. And I hope the organisers (in the very broadest sense of the word) have enough t-shirts to go round. I suppose with a new sponsor, all will be well???

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