Friday 28 September 2012

Our Olympic Legacy

Photograph Quiz:
Photo number:- Let’s say 115, shall we?? How many quids did these cost before and during the Olympic and Paralympic Games? Did you get one or two Blog? How many quids do they cost now on the Amazonial Baywatch? But how many quids are they now on Coventry Market, is the real question for today?

Oohhh Blog, you are such a naughty tease. Fancy suggesting that, following the departure of some of the top athletic officials since just before and just after the Olympic Games, the next part of our Olympic Legacy will be the abandonment of all of our cherished National Road Relay Races …. lost, gone for ever, no more Sutton Park, no more hot dogs, no more seeing Mark Sherman enviously eyeing up my Kodak instamatic camera. Sad. So sad. It’s a sad, sad situation. Never mind. Let’s move on. Turn over a new leaf. Try to think of more vacuous aphorisms. It could be worse. Look on the bright side of life. There is always a Park Run to look forward to every Saturday. Oh what a card I am. Park Run, a poor man’s Fun Run? And I suppose that you will be telling me next that despite all the political promises, the third Olympic Legacy will be a cut in funding? What rubbish. Of course we will continue to support a thousand athletes .. as in athletics. I think that the cost of funding athletics to the tune of £2.3m per Olympic medal was excellent value, worth every quid. Just think of all those unfortunate athletes who had to bask in the warm sun whilst the rest of froze to death in the last four winters; all those poor athletes who had to train full time in the sunshine and never got near a sniff at selection. Poor sods. The sacrifice they made. Very patriotic.
So. Olympic Legacy? What can I do Blog? I’ll tell you what I can do Blog. If you or any of all those mates of yours who live around the world, scattered far and wide, are interested in Olympic memorabilia now is the time to act. Now. In Coventry centre, a couple of the shops are flogging off Mandeville and Wenlock in various poses, plus other stuff, dead cheap, real knock down prices just to off load all the original stock that didn’t sell. Its not second hand stuff or tat, but the real McCoy. If you or your mates are keen to purchase a memento let me know and I’ll post it out to you. No kidding Blog. If you want me to find a list of what is on offer and the quids they will cost, and the postage involved, I’ll pop a list in my next letter to you. They are certainly cheaper than your actual Amazonial Baywatch. Blog I kid you not.
P.S. This week I was asked to write an article on ‘The History of Coventry Godiva Harriers – the Early Years’ but the amount they were prepared to pay me was chicken feed, a poultry amount. So I declined amo amas amat. I will be giving a lecture to the local Rotary Club instead, in exchange for a free meal. Honestly Blog. Would I lie to you?  

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