Friday 9 November 2012


Dear Blog,
    You know me Blog, how I am dead keen to be in the swing of things, leading innovations whenever possible, on the cutting edge of new trends, in the van as my old Latin master used to say. Well, I don’t know whether you have noticed Blog, but it seems to me that the latest bandwagon to leave town in the newspapers and in the various magazines, is this business of a ‘Secret Reporter’!!! The Guardian newspaper had a ‘Secret Footballer’ for yonks; now we have ‘Secret This’ and ‘Secret That’ and ‘Secret The Other’ in whatever magazine you open while standing reading at the Smiths Newsagents magazine rack in town. They are all at it!
Not wanting to be left out, I have decided to become your ‘Secret Jogger’ Blog, or your ‘Secret Blogger’ Blog, a kind of latter day ‘Jogger Blogger’ or should that be a ‘Blogger Jogger’? Imagine how intrigued your friends around the world will be trying to detect the identity or your own personal ‘Secret Jogger’ Blog, or your own ‘Secret Blogger’ Blog, or your ‘Jogger Blogger’ or ‘Blogger Jogger’. In future letters to you I will have to lay false trails, drop spurious clues, give misleading information, suggest probable associates, intimate possible candidates. Oh what fun I shall have. And here’s the really cleaver bit Blog, the brilliant piece of double bluff … in future I shall sign my letters to you with ‘Colin’. That will really throw everyone off the scent, send them scurrying in the wrong direction, going round in ever decreasing circles until they end up running up their own counter point.
P.S. A mathematical question for you to think about as you doze off to sleep tonight, Blog. Did Euclid call an ever decreasing circle a spiral? Or am I getting him confused with Eratosthenes? Or was he the bloke who used his sieve on the threads and strands of available information and invented spaghetti?? Or was it that well known Italian dish tarantella? Perhaps he used the spiders’ legs for the spaghetti? …… I’m off for a coffee ………..

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