Friday 5 July 2013

The Coventry Way

Dear Blog,
                It is always pleasant to see the positives of life around us, when we are constantly bombarded by the negatives from the media. Last night I had the pleasure of being invited to collect a cheque on behalf of charity which offers therapy for disabled children, Tiny Tims Children’s Centre. The monies raised for the donation was from ‘Coventry Way Walk’ held earlier this year. The ‘Coventry Way’, the 40 mile footpath which circumnavigates the city of Coventry, using footpaths and bridleways, was devised by Cyril Bean. Each year 250 walkers and some runners take part in the event. The Coventry Way spends the rest of the year maintaining and improving the ‘Walk’. There are now several loop walks of varying distances which utilise different points on the ‘Coventry Way as start / finish points. I find all these useful for trudges, because they are clearly marked routes in a different part of the country which takes no effort to follow, very agreeable running. You should try them for an afternoon out Blog.
The evening took the form of a skittles evening, several teams competing in a friendly manner, a buffet and presentation of cheques to the various charities to benefit from the Coventry Way Association, then another round of skittles. My team came third!!!!
The evening nearly ended in great disappointment however, as in the first round of skittles, my wife who was in the same team as myself, had the timerity to score a higher number of points than I did. When this happened, I had to tell her, buffet or no buffet, cheque or no cheque, if she didn’t let me beat her in the second round, I was off home then and there and she would have to make her own way back to the estate. She wasn't happy about that. I told her I wasn't either, being beaten by myown wife. I told her to remember what the vicar had told her, 'honour and obey' was the deal. So she had better start doing a bit of honouring or I'd be out first thing tomorrow banging on the church door demading my quids back under the terms of the Trades Description Act. After a little sulk, she agreed and I soon cheered up especially as I thrashed her out of sight when it was out team’s turn to skittle again. I feel I bowled rather well the second time, a clean strike on my first attempt but I was unable to capitalise on my other two bowls. My wife was rubbish with a capital ‘R’. I do think she was actually trying rather than letting me win to secure another couple of years being married to me. Anyway, I feel I beat her fair and square so in the end, I did take her back home with me.
PS I was asked to give another three of my excellent talks about the ‘History of Coventry Godiva Harriers and Other Clubs in the City in the Last 140 Years’ by different groups represented at the skittles evening so that should raise another few quids for a Tiny Tims Children’s Centre.

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