Thursday 7 March 2013


Photograph Quiz:

Photo no. 138:-  Ok, oK, Ok Blog stop knit pickin .. it’s a cartoon. Name a club near you with a committee like this????

             So Blog, have you seen this here comet yet that is supposed to be visible low in the west all month? I trudged on Tuesday, purposely to see it, as it was such a dark clear night …nutting! Not a ting. I will organise my trudging westerly for the next couple of weeks if the night is fine and clear so that I might catch a glimpse. Interesting that the scientists, by tracking the path of the comet claim that they can determine from whence it came and how long the journey took … now my sums suggest that with the changing celestial activity, a star coming here or a super nova going there, a black hole or two hovering all around, I cannot understand how past conditions / events can be recreated to facilitate such a claim. Just a bit of gravitational pull exerted on the comet since gravity’s invention in 1687 must have an incalculable influence? (Did you know that an apple conk is so called because that is the part of Newton’s anatomy on which the apple fell? Bit off putting if the apple had fallen on some other bit of Newton …. ??? Do you eat your apple conk Blog? I reckon it’s the best and tastiest part of the fruit, no jokularing.) It was nice getting the old spikes on again, doing a few reps as of yore … and of course, I lost count as per usual.
              TRAINING TIP => When interval training on the track, I used to wear gloves with the specific aim of moving a finger out of its sleeve after each effort to facilitate accurate tracking of the number of effort repetitions completed, and when I had two fists inside the gloves after ten efforts, I reversed the process by inserting a finger back into its sleeve following every effort. Counting was easi-peasey. Wearing gloves in summer you ask Blog? I refer you to the photograph of the finish of the Polytechnic Marathon in 1974 and ask you to ask where did Usami and his two Japanese mates get the glove idea from???? And suddenly everyone was wearing gloves in those days of yesteryear. BUT. Most runners entirely missed the point of wearing gloves on a hot day. It was the Japanese equivalent of Jimmy Alder carrying a sponge mile upon mile … the gloves were soaking wet and used for cooling purposes …. Not a lot of athletes knew that Blog!! And not many do now, Blog!!

So we have    warm up 2 miles then 10 times (steep hill 250 yards + 150 very steep) concentrate on knee lifting - grass ..Tues
                       5 mile road trudge  - Wed
                       Window sitting – Thurs

           Window sitting you ask Blog? Yes it was D-Day again. Suite Delivery Day again but this time it flew in through the bathroom* window having removed the same the day before!!! And with no window I had to sleep downstairs on the carpet in case of burglary. Blog, I kid you not.   … the staff refused to do it without being paid double time. I was a little upset at their attitude. I am afraid I told the cook what to do with her puff pastry, and I told the butler that it was about time he learned to butle down to some serious butlering. If it stops raining tomorrow I’ll get the window fitted and will be able to sleep in bed again. Fingers crossed please Blog. Oh yes …an update on Arkana tomorrow as well ………
          It has just been announced on the television news that Daw Mill Colliery just up the road from the Manse is to close with the loss of hundreds of jobs. Trudged past there not long ago. It has been rumored for some time that the mine was having difficulties, like many of the old pits around Warwickshire, the geology was not good. The mine was running into financial losses according to some sources. But it was a coal face fire that caused the premature closure. In God’s Own County, when a woolen mill was having financial difficulties, the rumors spread like wild fire amongst the workers and it was usually a fire which destroyed the mill.

Ref * for bathroom read living room, sounded better, Blog?

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