Tuesday 5 April 2011

O come all ye faithful

Praise be to you O Blog,
And the message went out to the four corners of the land. And the people heard the message. And the people did heed the message. And on the appointed day and at the appointed place and at the appointed time all the people throughput the land did came together to celebrate the event . And the faithful were lead by the chosen. And the chosen ones lead the faithful from the sacred line drawn on the ground, and they lead the faithful under the flying banners, and they lead the faithful along the festooned streets of the common land. And all did cheer and all did wave. And all were mightily pleased that they were the chosen ones. And they all felt good.  And at the appointed hour all the people did start to move and they did surge forward in anticipation of great things about to happen. And they knew that they needed strength and they knew they would be sorely tempted, but they had faith in the message. And they did rise to the challenge. And they did go around the streets of the big city and those that did not march came out of their shops and they came out of their houses and they came out of their drinking dens  and they did cheer and did give praise to the throng for they knew that many did suffer. And all gave extol the event for they knew that it did good deeds.  And the faithful knew full well that it was good for the spirit. And they were uplifted. And so the throng made its way through the streets, and they made its way through the heart of the great city and they made its way along the almighty river. And the throng that cheered was mighty also.
And after the twisting and after the turning, the faithful came to the line. And the line was blessed by all. And they saw that it was good. And the hand maidens of the leader did greet each and every one of the throng as they crossed the sacred line and they did festoon each and every one of the faithful with a garland ribbon. And they were all pleased. And some did swagger, and some did sway, and some did stagger but they all agreed that it was good. And they did resolve to meet again the next year at the appointed time and at the appointed place and on the appointed day and did resolve again march through the streets of the big city and along the banks of the almighty river that did flow through the big city. And they all praised the leader for he had done good. And the faithful did return to the four corners of the land and did collect many gifts of gold. And the gold was given to the poor and the poor praised the leader for his event for it did much good throughout the land. And those of the faithful that did suffer knew that they did not suffer in vain and those that did pb’s were mightily pleased.
13 days to go and I need your help to hit £1000 for Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre and Newlife.
                                                                          Colin, a faithful trudger by any other name.

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